Featuresoloists: Keld - Hilda

Keld and Hilda did luck

The duo Keld and Hilda was a popular feature since Wednesday night was great autumn feast on senior center Birkegården in Stoholm .

"Sommer, sommer og sol", "Smilende Susie og "Du er er min øjesten"....

They were all there, the songs from the good old days when the feisty Keld and Hilda Wednesday night sang and entertained at senior center Birkegården . Here, residents , families, staff and others associated with the house invited to autumn celebration with old-fashioned pork roast , lemon mousse and the top of it all, entertainment with the two soloists .

125 participants filled the seats at the long tables in the common room and it was clear to see how the music and the song did happiness and often had the audience singing along and rocking with his feet under the table. Among other potpourier with the songs from the quartet Four Jacks and the duo Nina and Frederik were popular spots, while the couple along the way between songs entertained the audience with small, funny stories and incidents from sangduoens own life.

- In the autumn feast we had chosen to think " out of town" and not just Birkegården . Users of the day center , volunteers and others associated with the house could also sign up for the party and we had participants from all over the old Fjends , says center director.